Pre-Trial Preparation
Is a collaberative process beginning with a thorough review of the appropriate case documents focusing on developing the case narrative, alternate themes, and specific language resonating with the jurors in your jurisdiction. This process is designed to determine:
- The Themes and Issues that will stand out in your case.
- What the jurors will respond and react to in both parties' cases.
- What the jurors must understand to rule in your favor.
- The most effective voir dire question development and Supplemental Juror Questionnaires.
Jury Selection
RevisLegal provides nearly 10 years of courtroom experience and juror survey data management to assist your trial team in developing the most effective voir dire questioning and jury selection strategies possible. Using our unique methodology of combing the most up to date juror data gathering tools with our verdict related attitude survey data, we can profile each prospective juror in your panel and identify those most dangerous for your case in a matter of minutes. Our process will provide you:
- The identity of the most dangerous jurors for your case.
- Quantitative rankings of each juror reflecting predisposed juror bias.
Additional Juror Data Sets
RevisLegal developed proprietary individual juror data sets that provide exclusive information on prospective jurors that is not found in either the juror information cards or juror questionnaires. This information has proven very effective in identifying jurors having a strong plaintiff bias and a propensity to award high damages.
Witness Preparation
Studies show that a witness’s credibility is a key factor in determining the strength of evidence for most jurors. As such, considerable time should be spent preparing key witnesses to testify. Our experience shows that critical new trial information is exposed during our mock examination exercises. Better these “surprises” are uncovered prior to trial so they can be prepared for.
Mock Trials and Focus Group
We have found that effective pre-trial research is always cost-effective when weighed against the results of an adverse jury verdict for those who didn’t think it was in their budget. Our process is designed to:
- Asses case strengths and weaknesses from the juror's prospective.
- Uncover specific issues that need to be addressed in trial preparation.
- Determine realistic damage parameters to assess settlement value and assist risk management.
- Identify the characteristics of high-risk jurors for jury selection.
Post-Trial Interviews
One of the most valuable but under-utilized tools for the trial attorney is the post-verdict interview. This information is critical to maintaining a competitive advantage for an attorney whose practice involves similar types of litigation. These interviews unveil what the jurors really thought of your presentation, the credibility of your key witness’s, and the strengths and weaknesses of your evidence. Our interviews are designed to:
- Identify the specific facts jurors felt were most valuable in making their decisions.
- Confirm the value of your pretrial research and the strategic decisions made based on such.
- Uncover potential juror misconduct